Academic Research With Pet

Let Us Discuss Our Issues: Interactive Session

1. Do you think there is and should be a restriction for African Christians to steer clear from the traditional religions?


2. Again, is there anything intrinsically wrong or bad with the Traditional Religions of Africans and should Africans totally abandon it to follow the colonial or foreign religions?


3. What we call charms, is there a possibility that there is really science behind such things. Is it mere demonological manipulations or a carefully crafted science potent arts or mechanics?

4. Are African sciences and arts, like rain making, transformation into animals, and witchcraft which to a reasonable extent have been proven real,  considered evil because we don’t really understand how they operate or should we pay attention and carefully harness their probable good and useful potential?

5. Convulsion and other kinds of seizures have different traditional ways of treating them in Africa and they are very effective. These are done without surgery, psychotherapy or prayers even before, during and after the advent of colonialism. Why is it that present African Pharmacist or Pharmacologists are yet to realize, recognize, study and harness those medicines to present it in a more modernized way and introduce it to modern Neuroscience and Psychiatry?


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Gerald August 21, 2019 at 10:57 pm

On ATR, the basic question is, what does ATR seek? What does Christianity seek? If they have a common ground, I think the best way to resolve this is to harmonize and mediate them.

I think science is yet to be discovered in Africa. Science produces fact which removes room for doubt and questioning.

Francis Okpala August 22, 2019 at 6:54 am

My Opinion on nọ 4
God or Nature or whatever Force it was that got the multi-verse into existence made provision for such powers or forces our ancestors harnessed; these forces are never evil, evil is with man’s actions and intents and never with man’s knowledge of things. We should simply harness the knowledge and apply them constructively who knows what we can unravel with them?
There is this popular question which some catholic priests use to either confuse or convince the congregation: If a man either goes to the dibia or by himself makes a charm to protect himself from his enemies, and never is it part of his intention to use it in putting any man in harm’s way, is it a justifiable act? Most congregants would say the man is an idolater, guilty of failing on the first commandment. Reason; he trusted in his charm and not God for his protection. Ask those persons about trusting in guns for protection and not God and they will likely not provide a logical answer to the confronting truth. Besides, charms have no dangerous impact on the ecosystem and atmosphere, you can say better the impact of the chemical and the mining of those materials used for gun manufacturing on our environment and ecosystem. The brainwashing we have undergone for a long time has made our minds to construct a strong stereotyped notions about our cultural heritage. We have lost our history but God forbid that we should be extinct.
We have a single mission, to rewrite the wrong history of us written by aliens of this civilization, the greatest and longest civilization man can remember.

Kosisochukwu Nwagboso August 29, 2019 at 10:58 am

Guy, you gave me more that I can think of here. This is quite better truth than anything I have been told in a while… This argument should be made more public.

Francis Okpala August 22, 2019 at 7:27 am

On nọ 1.
When I hear people preach and lament that the Church is under attack from the dark power of evil men I, most times, don’t take such persons seriously.
Tell me anyone who isn’t under attack. A rich is under attack for being rich same with a poor man for being poor. Everyone is naturally under attack for being who he/she is. This point established let’s a step forward: for about two weeks now in UNN young boys have been gunned down to early death, because of conflicts between their various cultic groups. I don’t really know who threw the first stone but the fact is that the killings are between the groups. If you know what the inquisition did to people when the Church had the powers then you have to consider whatever attack that’s facing the Church as a necessary rebound of the ball the church threw against a wall.
The church right from earlier times when she had the political power has been an agent of war and destruction, even within her own self. She even persecuted some persons she recognizes now as saints, Joan of Arc. However, you may say it’s the humans and not God, but since time immemorial it has always been humans and never God. If you claim God then get ready for Perfection, which so far has been elusive even in our conventional understanding of God.
Cultures, ways of life, worldviews, weltanschauung, have always been discriminatory and they segragates but why being fanatic? If God so cares about our souls to be Christian as fanatics think why didnt He make it an eternal truth, why do you think he created different species of everything you can think of? Different stars, moons, planets, flowers, soils, angels, demons, humans, and you think religion would be different?
Humans please let the other be! Reason humanely before religiously or better spiritually.
If God could create us in different places as species and provide us with food and water to sustain our mortal frame even when we were ‘uncivilized and cavemen’, do you not think that since our spiritual end is the most important, as we conventional think, that He will also provide us with necessary help to achieved it? Stop forcing your plan into God’s plan, allow Him to play out his plan.

Chinedu August 26, 2019 at 9:49 pm

You raised quite a lot of point here. Thank you for contributing

Kosisochukwu Nwagboso August 29, 2019 at 10:56 am

This is quite convincing

Reader August 26, 2019 at 9:46 pm

This is an interesting discourse… I’d be following


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